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Survey now closed!

Thank you for our response to the survey about the proposed site for the skatepark in Totnes.

75% of respondents want the skatepark location to stay where it is, with 25% wanting it to move behind the leisure centre.

Digging a little deeper into the responses we found that of:

• Those that use skatepark themselves/take children to use the skatepark – 74% prefer the existing location

• Those residents bordering Borough Park – 100% prefer existing location

• Sports club users/members (rugby, tennis, bowls) – 75% prefer existing location

We will support the clear outcome of the survey and proceed with taking forward the proposal for a new skatepark in the existing location.

Our next steps are that we will apply for a Certificate for Lawfulness as Permitted Development, which we hope to get by early 2024. This will extend the existing footprint, while avoiding Tree Root Protection Areas.

Fundraising towards the remaining shortfall for the proposed new skatepark can then continue. This will be led by the skating and wider community and we welcome any support in developing ideas to take this forward.

Please get in touch with us at if you would like to get involved with fundraising for the skatepark.

Thank you.

Posted on 13th October 2023

by Vicky Croughan