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Totnes Skatepark logoTotnes Skatepark


  • Residents' and stakeholders' consultation

    August 2023




    12 October 2023

    In discussion with the new District councillors for Totnes, it was decided that there should be a fresh consultation to hear all relevant views – with stakeholders, skaters and local residents about the two proposed locations, before making a final decision about which scheme to continue fundraising towards.
  • Residents' consultation

    Autumn 2022




    Autumn 2022

    The agreed design was presented at a residents’ consultation event. A considerable level of objection was expressed by residents bordering the park to the proposed design behind the leisure centre. Council officers listened to this objection and have revisited the two proposed locations.
  • Design consultation

    Summer 2021




    Summer 2022

    Online and in-person consultation and design workshops with skaters. Final design agreed.
  • Stakeholders' consultation

    Spring 2021




    Summer 2021

    Stakeholder consultation to consider two proposed locations – next to the multi-use games area avoiding any impact on existing trees by locating between tree Root Protection Areas, or a location behind the leisure centre. Opinions were gathered from user groups at Borough Park (including rugby club, tennis club, leisure centre, Town Council skaters). Following this, District councillors directed Council officers to progress the option behind the leisure centre.
  • Planning application

    Spring 2021




    Spring 2021

    Planning application submitted for extension of the existing skatepark footprint on the western boundary of the park. The proposal included removal of mature trees, and following significant objection to the tree removal, the application was withdrawn.